Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Paragraphs: The Reader's Friend

Dear Class,

When you are posting, you might check your settings to see if you are in "Compose" or "HTML" mode. If you are in HTML mode, hitting "Enter" will not create a paragraph break. If you are in HTML mode, try </p><p> (</p> = end paragraph; <p> = paragraph)

However, if you are in Compose mode, "Enter" creates paragraphs.


  1. Mr. Scott, I don't believe in paragraphs.

    1. Alfred,

      Enough with this via negativa business, please. Tell us what you do believe in.

  2. Mr. Alfred, I observed your lack of faith in the power of paragraphs but know this: my faith has only been strengthened by your blasphemy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Scott,
    After some reflection, I've concluded that Alfred, being the classy guy he is, would never attempt to impose his paragraphical views on us; therefore, if he wants to be paradoxically parsimonious with his paragraphs, we should not begrudge him that right.


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